Records and Transcripts

While keeping 与 safety protocols, 澳门新葡京博彩区正在监控成绩单请求,并将继续尽快处理它们.


I am interested in:

Requesting a Transcript

提交ting a Transcript

The Alamo 大学 区 is now using 羊皮纸 to accept transcript requests online.

  • Transcripts are NOT printed on campus. ALL transcripts are sent via PDF, 在提出请求后,从非现场地点打印并邮寄. 因此,不可能亲自领取成绩单.
  • 如果是打印的成绩单,则需要3至5个工作日才能处理.

    请求中没有保留和/或问题的学生的PDF请求, 通常在处理订单后的一小时内发出吗.
  • 有“成绩单保留”的学生可以在线申请成绩单, but until the hold is resolved, the transcript will not be sent out.

  • PLEASE NOTE: If you attended more than one Alamo 大学, 您的单份申请表和成绩单将包括所有学分.  只有当你有多个收件人时,你才需要申请多个成绩单.

Need help 与 your transcript order?

The best first step is to log in to your 羊皮纸 账户, then visit the 羊皮纸 Help Center, 在哪里可以找到常见问题的答案和文章来满足您的需求. 羊皮纸 assistance tools may be found at this link.


For information on your transcript hold, 联系澳门新葡京博彩呼叫中心210-212-5266或免费电话1-844-202-5266.

Additional links for your assistance:

Instructions for placing a transcript order Video on How to Order a Transcript 与 羊皮纸

Requesting a Transcript

Request Your Transcript Through ace

这两个 current and former students can request transcripts online via ace.

  • Current students 可以在“学生”页面的左上角访问web服务吗.

    Web Services Student tab  Student Records Request Official Transcript

  • Former students 可以在“主页”的左下角访问网络服务吗.

    Web Services Student tab Student Records Request Official Transcript


  • Hold for Grades:你的成绩单要到正在进行的学期结束后才能产生,所有成绩 are posted to your record.
  • Hold for Degree:你的成绩单要到正在进行的学期结束后才能产生,所有成绩  your degree award have been posted. 这可能是在适用期限结束后的45天内.
  • Include Attachments:如果收件人要求,您可以在请求中附上附件.

现在有一个PDF选项发送你的正式成绩单! (UG - undergraduate & CE - Continuing Education)

There is a minimum charge of $10.00, via credit or debit card, per transcript.


Overnight delivery is available for an additional charge.

Required 信息rmation

  • 所使用信用卡/借记卡的正确名称和账单地址
  • Year attended from & to
  • Birth Date
  • First name & 姓
  • Current address 与 city and state
  • Primary Email address
  • Primary reason for order (list to choose from)


  • Type (list to choose from)
  • Designated ‘Attention to’ or department
  • Physical address 与 city and state
  • Email (when PDF option is utilized)

Important Notes: 

If you need official transcripts for a third party, they must be sent directly to their email address.

  1. Transcripts are NOT printed on campus.  所有的成绩单打印和邮寄从一个场外的位置后,要求作出.  For this reason, 不可能在您要求的当天亲自领取成绩单.

    如果是打印的成绩单,则需要3至5个工作日才能处理.  请求中没有保留和/或问题的学生的PDF请求, 通常在处理订单后的一小时内发出吗.

    Need help 与 your transcript order?

    The best first step is to log in to your 羊皮纸 账户, then visit the 羊皮纸 Help Center, 在哪里可以找到常见问题的答案和文章来满足您的需求. 羊皮纸 assistance tools may be found at this link.


  2. 学生 与 a ‘transcript-hold’ will be able to request a transcript online, but until the hold is resolved, the transcript will not be sent out.

    For information on your transcript hold, 联系澳门新葡京博彩呼叫中心210-212-5266或免费电话1-844-202-5266.


Request Your Transcript 与out ace

请通过下面的链接提交您的成绩单请求, 提交你的官方授权给羊皮纸发布你的成绩单可能会有延迟.

通过您的登录请求您的成绩单不会有延迟 ace 账户.  如果您需要帮助检索您的登录信息,请澳门新葡京博彩 帮助台.

Order Official Transcript Check Status of Transcript Request
现在有一个PDF选项发送你的正式成绩单! (UG - undergraduate & CE - Continuing Education)

There is a minimum charge of $10.00, via credit or debit card, per transcript.


Overnight delivery is available for an additional charge.

Required 信息rmation

  • 所使用信用卡/借记卡的正确名称和账单地址
  • Year attended from & to
  • Birth Date
  • First name & 姓
  • Current address 与 city and state
  • Primary Email address
  • Primary reason for order (list to choose from)


  • Type (list to choose from)
  • Designated ‘Attention to’ or department
  • Physical address 与 city and state
  • Email (when PDF option is utilized)

Important Notes: 

If you need official transcripts for a third party, they must be sent directly to their email address.

  1. Transcripts are NOT printed on campus.  所有的成绩单打印和邮寄从一个场外的位置后,要求作出.  For this reason, 不可能在您要求的当天亲自领取成绩单.

    如果是打印的成绩单,则需要3至5个工作日才能处理.  对于请求中没有保留和/或问题的学生,PDF请求通常在处理订单的一小时内发出.

    Need help 与 your transcript order?

    The best first step is to log in to your 羊皮纸 账户, then visit the 羊皮纸 Help Center, 在哪里可以找到常见问题的答案和文章来满足您的需求. 羊皮纸 assistance tools may be found at this link.

  2. 学生 与 a ‘transcript-hold’ will be able to request a transcript online, but until the hold is resolved, the transcript will not be sent out.

    For information on your transcript hold, 联系澳门新葡京博彩呼叫中心210-212-5266或免费电话1-844-202-5266.
提交ting Transcripts

Each college has its own transcript intake process.  Select a college below for more information.

Northeast Lakeview 大学 Northwest Vista 大学

帕洛阿尔托 大学

St. 菲利普的 大学 San Antonio 大学